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Fast Track to the Corner Office for Women Dr. Betty Orlandino, PhD

Dr. Betty

If you are a young woman just graduating college or a gainfully employed female who wants her seat at the corporate table, this book is for you. This book was written to provide women with a jump-start to their career, to help give them an equal shot at the “corner office” and show them how to move on to the C-suite.

Let’s really be honest—the playing field is not fair. And though it has improved significantly in the last fifty years, it is still far from being level.

I know it as a daughter who watched my own mom blaze a path for other women her entire life, yet never achieve the recognition or status she earned. I know it as a woman who has toughed it out for the past sixty-six years, including over thirty years with insider “VIP executive access” as a coach and mentor to corporate America’s top men and women in business. And I know it as a mother, observing the battle my own daughter fights every day to ensure her continued success in the technically and emotionally demanding career she’s chosen.

In short, I hear stories every day about young women who are not treated with dignity and respect. Women who are still trying to get due recognition and rewards for their stellar work and achievements.

That’s why I believe the battle for equal opportunity and equal pay for women is far from over today. It’s why I am committed to make certain that we close that gap of inequality, as quickly and surely as we can.

I’ve known for years that my legacy is to help women to have their fair shot at achieving their goals . . . by sharing the wisdom of my mentors, my own real-world experience as a woman with my own family and my own business, and my proven track record with over thirty years of successes as a coach, mentor, and entrepreneur.

Today’s competition is fierce—more so than ever before. We are not only competing across America with the largest pool of educated candidates in history. With the technology revolution currently and constantly happening all around us, we are now also competing globally.

Fast Track to the Corner Office for Women has only one agenda: to help women navigate their career trajectory and achieve their goals without unnecessary roughness, drama, or delay.

Remember: as women, we have unique gifts we need to tap into. And as you’ll see in the case studies discussed throughout this book, our greatest gift is our women’s intuition. So use it, in combination with your innate abilities to listen, to extrapolate, and to read body language.

While you’re at it, employ your endless patience, your unlimited resourcefulness, and your innate tolerance for pain to your advantage. Nobody does it better than a single mom, so stop thinking single moms are at a disadvantage—they are a breed of their own.

In real life, competencies can always be learned. More important, women are innately strong, and take adversity and conflict in stride. For example, have you ever seen a mom stay in bed all day when she is sick, when she has an infant or children that need to be cared for? Most of the women I’ve known usually don’t get a real day off, as they use their time to organize, clean, catch up on errands, shop for groceries, etc. Believe me, we’re not exactly sitting around eating bonbons!

Acknowledge and appreciate your inherent strengths for what they really are: tremendous advantages. If you’re not using them, your spark plugs are misfiring.

You know, as women, our insights into pain tolerance give us an unexpected inside track to achievement, even wisdom. If we stayed home every time we weren’t feeling well, the world would be in big trouble! Your patience and tolerance for pain gives you stamina and unrelenting strength. And your intuition gives you the master plan to use your strengths to the max, one day at a time.

In fact, just as I was finishing up my notes for this book, I was struck by the number of times I’ve let my intuition guide me in some major decisions during my life. The connections that came about as a result have been mind-boggling. There’s no way I could have masterminded them all on my own, but looking back on things now, I’ve seen how they all fell into place to bring me to where I am today. As you read through the chapters here, think about how intuition has helped guide your decisions too.

It’s time to reframe your thinking about how your womanhood might be a disadvantage. Instead, recognize the clear advantage it actually is for you. To get started, step into your confidence, put on your big-girl skirt, and begin by memorizing the Ten Steps to Fast Track Your Way to the Corner Office. Ladies, start your engines please.

Dr. Betty O

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